Posted by: StrongStakes | April 17, 2014

Resources for intentionally following Jesus during Passion Week

Passion_WeekDisciple-building requires intentionality … particularly this week, “Passion Week” … as we seek to closely follow the footsteps of Jesus, while learning from His words and His actions.

To aid this process, here are several resources:

•  All four Gospel writers include lengthy accounts of this final week in the human life of Jesus.  Matthew writes nearly 8 chapters, Mark includes 5 & 1/2 chapters, Luke records the equivalent of 5 chapters, and John devotes 8 & 1/2 chapters.  In fact, John’s Gospel covers only 22 days of Jesus’ 3.5 years of public ministry.  Six of his 21 chapters are devoted to just one week.  One-third of the verses (237 of 878) are sharply focused on the final 24-hours.  Click on this link for a handout … Passion Week … to immerse yourself in one of these Gospel accounts, seeking to answer the two questions:  What did Jesus say?  What did Jesus do?

•  It’s not too late to benefit from Biola University’s The Lent Project, which includes devotions for next week, “Bright Week” (April 20-27), focusing on the marvelous accounts of Christ’s post-resurrection appearances.

•  Trinity Church, in Greenwich, CT, has produced three outstanding 4-min. videos about aspects of “Passion Week.”

•  John Piper, the founder & teacher of, created devotional readings for Holy Week … Love to the Uttermost.

•  Finally, “Passion Week” is not without some controversy.  For example, If Jesus was crucified on “Good Friday,” how could He be in the grave “three days and three nights” (Matthew 12:40) and still be resurrected on Easter Sunday?  Bible scholars have debated this question for centuries, falling into three basic camps:

  1. Jesus was crucified on Friday.  *Click on any day for a link to a basic explanation of that viewpoint.
  2. Jesus was crucified on Thursday.  *Conduct an online search for additional links.
  3. Jesus was crucified on Wednesday.  *Click on The Passover Feast for an interesting chart supporting this theory.

In summary, whichever day of the week Jesus was crucified is not as important as the fact that He did die on our behalf, and that He physically, bodily rose from the dead on Resurrection Sunday!

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

Grace & Truth!

~ tr


  1. Wonderful resources for this most special week. Thanks Tim!

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