Posted by: StrongStakes | June 25, 2014

What Will Prevent You from Following a False, Unholy “Trinity”?

In Revelation chapters 12 & 13, the apostle John reveals that in the future the world will be duped into believing, following, and worshiping a false, unholy “Trinity.”  As amazing as this sounds, it is even more alarming how gullible the nations of the world will be as they practically fall over each other to swear their allegiance to this counterfeit.

For the past few weeks we studied the lead character in this triumvirate … a “great red dragon” … none other than the “serpent of old” … the devil … Satan … the once proud archangel Lucifer.  We saw how he has been defeated … first at the Cross, when Jesus shed His blood in our place … second in a cosmic clash in heaven versus the archangel Michael and his “angel-armies.”  Click here to download and review the Revelation 12:1-17 Notes.

To prepare for our discussion this coming Monday evening, think through the following questions, targeting the first 10 verses of Revelation 13.

  1. Revelation chapter 13 presents a false, unholy “Trinity” … identify the members.
  2. Make a list of every instance in this chapter that indicates that God is sovereign … still in control.
  3. What might be the significance of the first beast arising “out of the sea”?  (v. 1)
  4. This beast is described in v. 2 by comparing it to three animals: leopard, bear, lion.  Why is this important?  See Daniel 7:1-6 for clues.
  5. Think carefully about v. 3 … what key points do you notice?
  6. Describe the irony of v. 4.
  7. How is it possible that God’s “temple” is equivalent to “those who dwell in heaven”?
  8. What do you learn about God’s love for you from v. 8?

Download, print, and bring this attachment with you for note-taking … Revelation 13:1-18

Plan to arrive Monday by 7 pm to enjoy dessert, followed by our study.

Grace & Truth!

~ tr

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