Posted by: StrongStakes | January 26, 2014

What to do if an angel offers you a scroll to eat …

What would you do? … How would you respond? … if an angel offered you a scroll to eat?  Revelation chapter 10 shows us what the Apostle John did.  To aid your preparation for our Bible study on this chapter, think through the following eight questions:

  1. How does John’s description of the angel in 10:1-3 change your previous impressions of angels?
  2. What might be the significance of this angel placing his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land?  (v. 2)
  3. Why was John instructed NOT to write what he heard from the “seven peals of thunder”?  (v. 4)
  4. What is ominous about v. 6?
  5. What is the “mystery of God” that is finished?  (v. 7)
  6. What do you think is written on the scroll that John is told to eat?  (v. 8)
  7. Why will it taste “sweet as honey” in his mouth, yet make his “stomach bitter”?  (vv. 9-10)
  8. Compare this chapter with Jeremiah 15:15-16 and Ezekiel 3:1-11.  How do these Old Testament passages help you understand what is happening to John?

Download, print, and bring this attachment with you for note-taking … Revelation 10:1-11.

Bob B. is bringing Monday’s dessert, so plan to arrive by 7 pm to sample that tasty treat.  We will then feast on chapter 10!

Grace & Truth!

~ tr


  1. Tim   Just a reminder   I will be in Seattle on Monday night   Be there in Spirit   Scott


    >________________________________ >From: OC Bereans >To: >Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 7:56 AM >Subject: [New post] What to do if an angel offers you a scroll to eat … > >ocbereans posted: “What would you do? … How would you respond? … if an angel offered you a scroll to eat?  Revelation chapter 10 shows us what the Apostle John did.  To aid your preparation for our Bible study on this chapter, think through the following eight questions” >

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