Posted by: StrongStakes | February 28, 2014

What happens when you settle for an “85/15 Hermeneutic” of the Bible?

I once had a friend who told me he held to the “85/15 Rule of Learning” when it came to studying the Bible.  I sat in stunned silence as he went on to describe that a person can learn “pretty much everything that needs to be learned” … 85% … of any subject matter by using only 15% of one’s mental effort.  When applied to Bible study in general … and the OC Bereans in particular … he didn’t see the point in expending the remaining 85% effort to extract whatever the final 15% of biblical truth had to offer.

Since that conversation I’ve experienced a wide range of emotions …

… confusion, frustration, disappointment, disbelief, etc…

After many hours of pondering his postulation, plus some time praying about its implications for our Bible study … both individual and corporate … my emotions have settled into a stronger conviction … the Bible is worth 100% of our effort to read, meditate, memorize, study, unpack, teach, apply and obey!  Amen?!

God did not create us and then turn us loose to try and figure out how to live this life on our own.  He carefully prepared an “Operator’s Manual” to show us the way and provide the guidance needed.  It behooves us as followers of Jesus to focus our full attention and effort on His Word.

Our recent 14-month study of the first 11 chapters of the Book of Revelation have amply illustrated some of what can be uncovered in that final 15%.  As I’ve mentioned numerous times to you, prior to this in-depth study, I had never seen the primary emphasis on God’s grace in this final book of the Bible.  His grace far overshadows the “shock & awe” of His judgment yet to come!

For additional insights gleaned from the past few weeks, click on this link for the Revelation 11:1-19 Notes.  Several observations from the men in our group are shared on the next-to-last page.  The lyrics to Revelation Song are also included on the final page.

Brothers, I urge you, exhort you, encourage you, and strongly recommend that you “… receive the Word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.”  (Acts 17:11)

Grace & Truth!

~ tr


  1. AMEN! 100%

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