Posted by: StrongStakes | September 20, 2014

Turning a martyr’s wail into the victor’s song

Sinners in HandsIn 1741, Jonathan Edwards preached a powerful and memorable sermon: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”  In our day and age … an age of grace … we seldom think about the wrath of God … how real it is and when/why it occurs.  We often forget that God is serious about the consequences of sin, and He will mete out judgment accordingly.

At the end of Revelation 14, an angel exhorts Jesus to “Put in Your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the earth is ripe.” (v. 15)  The apostle John’s apocalyptic vision of the end times is rapidly drawing to a close, but not before the wrath of God is fully unleashed against Satan, his minions, and obstinate earth-dwellers.

But just before this occurs, there is a beautiful interlude in Revelation 15, describing the victory song of those believers martyred at the hands of Antichrist.

To prepare for our discussion this Monday night on Revelation 15, read through the 8 verses in this chapter several times.  In addition, ponder the following questions and cross references:

  1. What does v. 1 indicate about God’s wrath?
  2. How might Joshua 7:10-15 serve as an interpretive key to Revelation 15?
  3. How might Hebrews 10:26-31 also serve as an interpretive key to Revelation 15?
  4. What is the “song of Moses” referenced in v. 3?  Cf., Exodus 15:1-18; Deuteronomy 32:1-43; Psalm 90:1-17
  5. What is the “song of the Lamb” also referenced in v. 3?  Cf., Revelation 5:9-13; 7:10-12
  6. What observations do you make of the “lyrics” of this victor’s song in vv. 3-4?
  7. What application(s) can you make for us today?

I am eager to be back with you, delving deeply into a chapter in God’s Word together!  Bill W. promises to bring the dessert, which will be served by 7 pm, so plan to arrive a few minutes early to enjoy that.  Our study will get going shortly after that.

Grace & Truth!

~ tr

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